Tuesday, April 7, 2015

What is Aspergers?

Well, it has to do with not being able to read social cues, such as body language and tone of voice. And for me, it has to do with talking at people.  I am obsessive, I am an escapist, and I have Asperger's.  I won't get into the technical part of it, because, hey, you're online right now, aren't you?  Look it up.  However, I will tell you this:

I am not sick.

I am not a freak.

I am not in denial.

And, no, I am not just trying to get attention.  Far from it, actually.

My brain is just wired...differently.

And you know what, I'm actually pretty proud of it.  My brain works in a way that no one else will quite understand, not even scientists.  At least, not yet.  And I think that that's pretty darn awesome.  I see things in a way that makes the world seem amazing and lets me live my life always wanting to learn something new, and I love that about myself!

I have problems, though, and I won't deny that I can complain.

I mean, really complain.  Just ask my mom.  Life can be really hard for me sometimes and other times it's great, so I've decided that talking about it and speaking up about it will help me cope with it.  So, if it sometimes sounds like I'm talking to a therapist, I probably am.


Yep, you guys.

Kneel down on the floor, because I'm giving you honorary knighthoods and handing you honorary doctorates in psychology.  (Not really, but you get the idea)  If you're reading this, that means you don't want to know the science behind it all, or even the psychology.

If you did, you'd go read some medical journal or online article.  You're here because you want to hear it from the horse's mouth about what it's really like.  Maybe you have a daughter, or a sister, or a wife or girlfriend who has it, and you just want to understand her.  Not control her or tell her that she's just delusional, but you love her enough that you're trying to figure it out.

Or, you're just like me!

If so, then strap in and buckle up.  It'll be bumpy and consistently inconsistent.  I may not remember to update for a couple of months, and then spit out three articles in a week!  I'll try to stay consistent, but please understand if I don't. Feel free to message me, however, and I'll try to respond.


...off we go!

Into time and space, along with the Winchesters, and the boys from Baker Street!

(...and let the geeky references commence!)


  1. You rock. We rock. Thank you for being brave enough to put this information out there!

  2. You rock. We rock. Thank you for being brave enough to put this information out there!
